Joshua Langfus

Predoctoral Fellow
Clinical Psychology Training Program
University of California, San Francisco

Doctoral Candidate
Clinical Psychology
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Frothy waves over sand


2024 - Present: Predoctoral Fellow
Clinical Psychology Training Program
UCSF, San Francisco, CA
PI: Linda Pfiffner

2018 - Present Clinical Psychology PhD Student
2020 MA, Psychology
PI: Dr. Eric Youngstrom
UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

2016 - 2018 Vision & Cognition Lab Manager
PI: Dr. Justin Halberda
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

2015 - 2016 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant
IES Barrio Loranca
Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain

2011 - 2015 BA, Cognitive Science, Philosophy
Phi Beta Kappa
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Weathered stump with wild roots


Selected Publications

Langfus, J., Youngstrom, E.A., Daniel, D., Busner, J., Findling, R., (2024). A Further Replication and extension of the Reliability, criterion Validity, and Treatment Sensitivity of the PANSS10 and PANS20 for Pediatric Trials. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.

Langfus, J., Chen, Y.,  Janos, J., Youngstrom, E. A., & Findling, R. (2023) Psychometric Properties and Clinical Utility of the CBCL and P-GBI Sleep Items. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Langfus, J.A., Youngstrom, E.A., DuBois, C., Stepanova, E. (2023) Scoping Review: Evidence-Based Assessment of Reactive Aggression in Children. JAACAP Open.

Stepanova, E., Langfus, J. A., Youngstrom, E. A., Evans, S. C., Stoddard, J., Young, A. S., Van Eck, K., & Findling, R. L. (2023). Finding a Needed Diagnostic Home for Children with Impulsive Aggression. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.

Youngstrom, E. A., Young, A., Van Eck, K., Stepanova, E., Langfus, J. A., Carlson, G., Findling, R. (2021). Developing Empirical Latent Profiles of Impulsive Aggression and Mood in Youths with External Validation Across Three Outpatient Samples. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Trees growing on a moss-covered log

Selected Talks

Norms and Clinical utility of the Reactive Aggression Assessment (RAGA): A Novel Parent-Report Measure of Childhood Reactive Aggression. (2024) In E. Stepanova (Chair), Evaluating Aggression in Clinical Settings [Clinical Perspective]. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), Seattle, WA, United States.

Innovative Ways to Increase Access and Engagement with Psychological Assessment via Open Teaching. (2022) Symposium Chair. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Getting More from Existing Tools: Sleep Problems on GBI & ASEBA Associated with Child Mood Disorders. (2022) Symposium Chair and Speaker. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Symposium: Becoming Part of the Family – Selecting Mentors When Applying to Doctoral Programs in Psychology (2019) Panelist. Panel discussion at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.

“Cross Cultural Encounters” Guest Radio Host
Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (RTVE), English Language Broadcast (2016), Madrid, Spain

Keynote Address Speaker
Annual Fulbright Europe Mid-Year Conference (2016), Berlin, Germany



I use R for statistical computing. Check out some of my projects here.

I use Github for version control and collaboration. My package bouldr (still a work in progress) makes it easy to do Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve analyses and plot the results.

I use for collaboration and dissemination. I have a bunch of projects there, including posters, papers, and talks.

The latest version of the Reactive Aggression Assessment (RAGA-16) is available on OSF here.

Golden sunset under clouds with backlit trees in foreground


APA Division 5 (Quantitative & Qualitative Methods)
2022 - 2024 Conference Programming Co-Chair
2020 - 2022 Graduate Student Representative

UNC Clinical Psychology Program
2020 - 2021 Graduate Student Representative
2018 - Present UNC Diversity Training Committee Member

Wikipedia editor (User: joshal)

Reviewer, ad hoc, JAACAP Open
Reviewer, ad hoc, Journal of Mental Health
Reviewer, ad hoc, Quality & Quantity
Reviewer, ad hoc, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology


If you’d like to get in touch with me, please use the form below to send me an email.

You can also find me on Twitter: @joshlangfus

Me in sunglasses at Timberline lodge with the summit of Mt. Hood behind me

About me

I'm passionate about science, food, music, and service. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest.

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